1. How is Green Gate Grove operated and managed?

How is Green Gate Grove operated and managed?

All Board of Directors, members, office staff, chairpersons and helpers for community functions, and most other workers for the community are volunteers. Because most of the work is done by volunteers, maintenance fees (association dues) are kept to a minimum. Most or all of the residents in Green Gate Grove donate their time in small or big ways.

  2. Are there age and occupancy restrictions?

Are there age and occupancy restrictions?

Green Gate Grove Subdivision is a 55 years of age or older housing exempted community, as set forth in Section 807 of the Fair Housing Act (42 U.S.C.A. 3607) and amended by the Housing for Older Persons Act of 1995. No more than two (2) adults shall occupy or reside in any dwelling in Green Gate Grove, with the exception of temporary guests. Individual guests whose presence increases occupancy of a residence to more than 2 adults shall be limited to one thirty (30) day stay in any calendar year. No dwelling in Green Gate Grove shall be occupied, rented or leased to any family with children under eighteen (18) years of age. Visits of individual children shall be limited to one thirty (30) day stay in any calendar year.

  3. Can I rent out my residence?

Can I rent out my residence?

If you intend to sell or rent your property, please come to the office, inform the staff, complete a Notification of Proposed Change of Ownership or Occupancy, and obtain a packet of information for potential buyers or renters. Both current owner and new buyer or renter must sign the appropriate form and return to the office. Your property can then be listed on the Properties for Sale list kept in the office foyer and listed on this website. You must inform potential buyers or renters of the occupancy rules for the community as noted in the "Green Gate Grove Guidelines for Owners and Renters" found on our Information,Documents web page.

  4. Where can I go if I have a question?

Where can I go if I have a question?

The Green Gate Grove office is located by the entrance. The Office hours are - winter (November through March) hours are 8-3 Monday through Friday. Summer (April through October) hours are 9-3 Monday through Friday. This is where new residents register, access key cards are issued, badges are ordered, association dues are paid, and other resident business is handled. Call 956-581-1932 for any other information.

  5. How are residents informed of community bylaws?

How are residents informed of community bylaws?

The official documents of the community are found on the Group.io/g/GreenGateGrove (SCOA) site or can be obtained from the office. These are made available to each property owner/resident.

  6. How are residents informed of activities?

How are residents informed of activities?

The Green Gate Grove Property Owners has an IO Group (https://groups.io/g/GreenGateGrove) that sends out to all registered members events and all activities via email. We also have this web site which shows all Activities. We have monthly schedules block meetings and a Board of Directors meeting and all members, that is property owners, are encouraged to attend.

  7. Is there a listing of all residents in the community?

Is there a listing of all residents in the community?

A resident's phone directory PDF is produced every year in February and each property owner can download a copy on the following https://groups.io/g/GreenGateGrove/files page (if you have joined the group) or from the office. The board of Executive Committee, directors, members, activities committee officers and chairs, and an activities schedule and also be found on this site. There is also a Sales and Rentals listing on our Web Site.

  8. Who is responsible for maintaining the areas around the homes?

Who is responsible for maintaining the areas around the homes?

Property owners are responsible for maintaining their properties to community standards. If you are away from your property for periods of time, arrangements must be made for mowing of grass and any other necessary yard care, including picking up fallen fruit. You may be billed for care if your property is unsightly and community-paid grounds personnel must clean it up. If you leave for an extended time, please put all moveable objects inside your locked house, garage or shed. It is also a good idea to leave a key for your home with a neighbor. And, as above, be sure to arrange for property care.

  9. Is there weekly trash pickup?

Is there weekly trash pickup?

There is trash pickup for those that require it but these have to be approved by the office. All trash must be placed in dumpsters located on the SouthEast corner of Green Gate Grove behind the white fenced wall. Special dumpsters are available for recyclables at the rear of the hall. Tree trimmings and other yard waste can be placed in front of your home for pickup or placed in plactic bags and placed in the waste area next to the trash site. A collection point for aluminum cans is located next to the trash site.

  10. Can structural changes be made to the homes?

Can structural changes be made to the homes?

Any change to the structure of your property must meet city building codes and Green Gate Grove regulations. Any project requires the approval of the Architectural Committee. A sample form of the Architectural Permit can be obtained from the office.

  11. How do residents get access to activities, pool, hot tubs, etc.?

How do residents get access to activities, pool, hot tubs, etc.?

Access to commonly owned facilities, including the hall, swimming pool, library, computer room, poker room, billiards room, and shuffleboard court, is open to all residents both owners and renters. The hall facilities are locked at night and opened early each morning. Some areas, including the office, storage areas and kitchen are accessible only to residents currently involved with that activity and access to some of these also requires completion of forms to help ensure safety as well as security.

  12. Are pets allowed in the community?

Are pets allowed in the community?

Dogs and cats are welcome additions to the community. Of course, all pet owners must assure that their pets do not present a danger or do damage to someone else's property. Pets are not allowed in any of the common buildings. All dogs outside of an owner's property must be leashed. Feces must be picked up and discarded by the owner. When walking dogs in the community, pet owners should be respectful of other residents' property rights and guard against a dog injuring another dog or person. In addition, for the safety and health of all, pets should have up-to-date immunizations.

  13. If I rent, are there showers and laundry facilities?

If I rent, are there showers and laundry facilities?

There are two locations for restrooms; the Office and Entertainment Center (Hall). There are large showers at the Hall and a Laundry facility. See the Entertainmment Center Plan View on the Gallery page of this web site.

  14. Is it safe living near the Mexican border?

Is it safe living near the Mexican border?

The media hype and big dollar TV shows promote the impression that it is not safe to live close to the Mexican border - that illegal immigrants equal danger. This is not true! The Mission-McAllen area is the 13th safest metro area in the USA. Yes, we do have undocumented immigrants crossing the border illegally. Yes, the cartel does attempt to control the border with drugs. Most of the people don't swim the river to bring drugs into the United States, but they come to find work to support their families and improve their quality of life. Many pay hundreds and thousands of dollars to someone to help them get across, but then are left at the border to find their own way north where they can blend in. They don't come here to do harm to anyone or anything. They are faith driven, incredibly family oriented and seek only to provide for their family. The residents of Green Gate Grove live happy, peaceful lives and focus on the amazing beauty of the area.

Disclaimer:  This web site may contain information that is created by a variety of sources both internal and external to Green Gate Grove.  Some pages are unmoderated  and may contain the personal opinions and other expressions of the persons who post the entries. Green Gate Grove does not control, monitor or guarantee the information contained in these pages or information contained in links to other external web sites; In no event shall Green Gate Grove or the editors be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any content, goods, or services available on or through any page, site or resource.